769 LUBRICANT 27529 and Penetrant Type II 50 Gal. Open-Head Drum

SKU: 19N27529

Weight: 389lbs

List $2,483.12
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Jet Lube 769 LUBRICANT 27529 and Penetrant (MIL-C-23411A), (MIL-C-81309E) Type II, Fed. Spec. VV-P-216B NSF H2 50 Gal. Open-Head Drum

  • Nonflammable
  • Economical to use
  • Nonevaporating
  • Contains no fluorocarbons
  • Light machine oil base
  • Never hardens or dries out
  • Contains no silicones
  • Exempt from California VOC Reportings contains only
  • LVP-VOC compounds

Nonflammable blend of chemically stable, highly refined lubricating oils and special additives that provide environmentally safe superior performance even when harsh conditions such as salt water or salt spray are present. Magical thin film tenaciously adheres to all metal surfaces to lubricate, penetrate, remove moisture and prevent rust and corrosion. Non-evaporative formula guarantees long-term performance. 769 LUBRICANT never hardens or dries out, contains no silicones or fluorocarbons and aerosol uses safe CO2 propellant. USDA H-2 Authorized for use in Federally Inspected Meat and Poultry Plants. 35KV dielectric strength. Applications include: Industrial, Marine, Automotive, Food Processing, Firearms, Radio Controlled Equipment, Fishing Gear and Residential. Meets U.S. Specifications MIL-C-23411A, MIL-C-81309D, MIL-C-372C and VV-P-216B. Sizes: 12 oz aerosol, 16 oz trigger, 1, 5 , & 50 gal

  • Specific Gravity 0.83
  • Density (lbs/gal) 6.9
  • Color/Appearance Clear Amber Fluid
  • Flash Point, Tag Close Cup >177Deg F (81Deg C)
  • (ASTM D-56)
  • Viscosity, Kinematic 4.5 - 6.0
  • 40Deg C, cSt (ASTM D-445)
  • Pour Point (ASTM D-97) -25Deg F (-32Deg C)
  • VOC Content 30g/liter
  • Dielectric Strength & Breakdown
  • Voltage (ASTM D-877) 35 - 40 kv (typ.)
  • Vapor Pressure, mm Hg 0.4
  • @ 68Deg F
  • pH Neutral
  • Humidity Test Passed
  • Rust Test (ASTM D-665) Pass
  • Water, Wt% None
  • Copper Strip Corrosion 1A (ASTM D-130)
Prop 65 Warning: Product's may contain one or more substances or chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.

*The list price may not necessarily be the price at which the product or service is sold.

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